
Holy Cross Lutheran Church, LCMC

Pastor Jay Rossman

1020 Convention Center Street

Aberdeen, SD 57401


Email:  holycross@nvc.net

Annual Meeting – Sunday, March 2nd

Agenda includes…
Election of council members
Annual budget approval
Distribution of benevolence
Ash Wednesday Service, March 5th @ 6 PM (No Youth Ed)

Wednesday Lenten Service March 12th at 6 pm, soup supper 5 pm

Sunday Adult Bible Study:  9:00 AM
Sunday School:  9:00 AM
Sunday Worship Service:  10:00 AM
Sunday Fellowship (with refreshments):  11:00 AM

All weather-related announcements will be on Hub City Radio.

We are free in Christ, accountable to one another, and rooted in the Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions.