
Youth Education

At Holy Cross Lutheran Church, we strive to build a connection between youth and adult mentors of all ages. Children will learn as they grow, expanding their knowledge of their faith.

Wednesday Evening – Youth classes meet on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 PM during the school calendar year.  **No Youth Ed. on Ash Wednesday.**

  • Wednesday School: PreK through 4th grade, children hear bible stories based on the lectionary for the upcoming Sunday worship. They complete crafts, play games, memorize scripture and sing  songs of faith geared towards youth. Children earn ‘coins’ to spend at the club store. A recital may be performed on occasion.
  • Pre-Confirmation group: 5th & 6th grade youth members will learn more about their faith as they do more in-depth study of the Bible.
  • Confirmation group: Beginning in 7th grade, youth members will continue their journey toward confirmation. They will begin to think about the Church, their faith, and their role within the Church in a new way, culminating with their confirmation in 9th grade.

Sunday School

Sunday school for children Pre-K through 4th grade, meets in the youth room at 9:00 AM on Sunday mornings during the school calendar year.

Adult Education

Adult Bible study takes place in the Fellowship Hall at 9:00 AM on Sunday mornings. All are welcome to attend.

LIFT – Live in Faith & Truth – Young Adult Bible Study class.  See facebook posts for up-to-date class announcements.

First Communion classes

This class is aimed toward children who have not yet received their First Communion. Children will learn what it means to receive communion in the Lutheran faith, and how to prepare themselves. Parental involvement is essential, as they will learn along with their children. Children may begin taking this class in first grade, at the discretion of their parents. Classes will be scheduled based on participation.

We are free in Christ, accountable to one another, and rooted in the Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions.