
Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting is Sunday, March 2nd. Please talk with a council member if you are interested in serving on the council.

Hiding the Alleluia’s

Bring your children on Sunday, March 2nd, as we will be hiding the alleluia’s before Lent Season. Then they will find them again and wave them in the air as they parade into worship on Easter Sunday.

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday service is March 5, 2025, at 6 PM. There will be no Youth Education on this evening.

Mid-Week Lenten Services

Lenten soup suppers will be held on Wednesday evenings at 5:00 pm, with worship following at 6:00 pm, March 12th – April 9th.

Congratulations, Holy Cross!

Holy Cross Lutheran Church has been awarded the “Organization of the Year” award from DTOM 22/0 Veteran’s Ranch and Chris Reder. Thank you to Pastor Jay, Sue, Jamison, and all those involved with collecting food donations and meeting with Chris! Congrats, Holy Cross! Click the link to view (award @ 8:40 /facebook login may be required):

We are free in Christ, accountable to one another, and rooted in the Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions.